To meet the shortfall in trained and skilled cybersecurity personnel in the country, the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) has launched three new master's programs in Cybersecurity in addition to a dedicated centre for cybersecurity. These programs, IIT Kanpur said, have been designed to train “dedicated and highly skilled manpower” to contribute to the “nation's march towards a Digital India”.
The new programmes in Cybersecurity -- MTech, MS by Research, and BT-MT Dual Degree -- will be offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), IIT Kanpur. The programmes will start in August, 2021, with a limited number of seats with plans to gradually scale up in size and scope.
The initiative for launching the three courses in Cybersecurity was taken by Prof Manindra Agrawal and Prof Sandeep K Shukla from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Admissions for the courses will commence during the April-May 2021 cycle.
Prof. Abhay Krandikar, Director IIT Kanpur, said, “In the world of Digital Nomads (especially after Covid19) and Gig Economy, there has been a significant shift to the cloud as almost everyone who is involved in a productive activity has had to go online and use digital devices. This shift means there are millions of new netizens and organizations that are potentially vulnerable to sophisticated cybercrime. We have timed these Masters programs to ensure that we start producing cyber warriors of the future who can defend not only national boundaries but also make a mark internationally.”
Recently, IIT Kanpur announced the launch of its new department of Cognitive Science to devise futuristic technology by understanding, mirroring and adapting the complexity of the perception and processes of the human mind.