IIT Mandi, recently, organized a cleanliness drive in Mandi town. About 300 student volunteers and 100 local volunteers participated in the Cleanliness drive which was organized on August 24. The drive was organized to provide students with an opportunity to engage in activities other than academic endeavors.
The drive was conducted in support with the Municipal Corporation of Mandi at different locations of the city including Bhiuli, Jail Road, Pool Gharat, Kehanwal Road, Suhada Mohalla and Veer Mandal. Small groups of student volunteers visited these locations to collect plastic garbage.
The Municipal Corporation of Mandi helped student volunteers with garbage collection and disposal.
"Just being a good engineer shouldn't be the aim of our students. They should be able to value the hard work that goes in keeping the society clean. I am sure someday they will devise some technological solution to keep ease this hard labor which will reflect their societal responsibilities and their educational uniqueness," said Dr. Sumit Sinha Ray. Dr. Ray is the Assistant Professor at School of Engineering and also the Co-advisor of NSS-IIT Mandi.
Alongside the cleanliness drive, under the National Service Scheme (NSS) of the Government of India, 30 student volunteers of IIT Mandi also carried a plantation drive at the Parashar lake area.
On August 15, 2019, 176 new batch students of IIT Mandi participated in a plantation drive in the North Campus of IIT Mandi. Each student who took part in the plantation drive will take care of their plant for the next 4 years during their graduation tenure. On August 25 rest of the new batch students completed the plantation drive in North Campus.
Not just environment, but helping the marginalized and destitute is also on the agenda for IIT Mandi students. IIT Mandi, in the past, has organized visit to old age homes, orphanage and leprosy patients. Students are encouraged to identify problems faced by these groups and come up with technology-based solutions.

IIT Mandi students interacting with school children under Prayas initiative
Under the Prayas program initiative and as a part of their induction programme, IIT Mandi students also visited government schools at Kamand, Kataula, Katindi and Nishu areas of Mandi district on August 3, 2019. As part of this initiative, IIT Mandi student volunteers are teaching 80 students of local government schools on every alternate Saturday of the month on campus.
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