INCET Recruitment 2024: The Indian Navy has scheduled the Indian Navy Civilian Entrance Test (INCET 01/2024) for the last week of November. The exam was previously scheduled to be held from September 10 to 14, 2024, but it was canceled due to unforeseen technical and administrative reasons. Candidates are advised to check the official website, incet.cbt-exam.in, for the latest updates on the schedule.
The official notification reads: "INCET-01/2024 has been tentatively scheduled for the last week of November 2024. A fresh Admit Card will be issued shortly."
Indian Navy Recruitment 2024: Steps To Apply
Step 1. Visit the Indian Navy website, incet.cbt-exam.in, once it is released
Step 2. On the homepage, find 'INCET 01/24' and click on it
Step 3. Register by filling in your personal details
Step 4. Click on the "Apply Online" tab
Step 5. Fill in details such as post choices and educational qualifications
Step 6. Pay the application fee (if applicable)
Step 7. Submit the application and save it
Step 8. Take a printout for future reference
Indian Navy INCET Recruitment 2024: Age Limit
Chargeman (Ammunition Workshop) and Chargeman (Factory): Between 18-25 years.
Scientific Assistant and Chargeman (Mechanic): Not exceeding 30 years.
Draughtsman (Construction): Between 18-25 years.
Fireman and Fire Engine Driver: Between 18-27 years.
Tradesman Mate, Pest Control Worker, Cook, and Multi-Tasking Staff (Ministerial): Between 18-25 years.
Indian Navy Civilian Entrance Test Recruitment 2024: Educational Eligibility Criteria
The educational eligibility criteria vary depending on the post for which a candidate is applying. Candidates are encouraged to check the official notification for specific qualifications on the Indian Navy portal.
The recruitment drive aims to fill various positions, including Chargeman (Ammunition Workshop), Chargeman (Factory), Chargeman (Mechanic), Scientific Assistant, Draughtsman (Construction), Fireman (18-27 years), Fire Engine Driver, Tradesman Mate, Pest Control Worker, Cook, Multi-Tasking Staff (Ministerial), and more.