The Empowered Expert Committee (EEC) headed by former election commissioner N Gopalaswami has recommended 24 more higher education institutions to consider for the tag of Institutes of Eminence. The latest recommended list includes 12 public and 12 private institutions of higher learning in the country. If granted Institution of Eminence or loE status, the public institutes will receive a government grant of Rs.1000 crores for the next five years.
The IoEs are proposed to have greater autonomy in comparison to other higher education institutions.
The public institutions finding place in the recommendation include IIT Madras, IIT Kharaghpur, Delhi University, Jadavpur University, Anna University, Banaras Hindu University, Tezpur University, Savithribai Phule Pune University, University of Hyderabad, Aligarh Muslim University, Panjab University and Andhra University.
The private institutions from the recommended list consists VIT Vellore (Tamilnadu), Jamia Hamdard University (Delhi), Shiv Nadar University (Uttar Pradesh), Azim Premji University (Karnataka), and Ashoka University (Haryana) among others.
In its first list, the panel recommended eight public sector institutions for this status out of which three succeeded in getting the status of IoEs.
On higher education regulator University Grants Commission's recommendation, 3 private institutions were also approved by the government invoking a principle of equal weightage to both categories of institutions.
In its second report that has been submitted on Friday, EEC has recommended 2 more institutions in the public category and 7 in the private category which together with the previously recommended 8 and 3 respectively, makes for 10 institutions recommended in each category.
Further, EEC has also identified further 5 institutions in each category which, as per policy, were to be kept in reserve list.
EEC has however recommended that all 15 institutions in each category be approved for IoE status, said a statement from Ministry of Human Resources Development.
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