MHRD To Confer Bharat Shakshar Awards On International Literacy Day
New Delhi:
The Government of India will celebrate the International Literacy Day tomorrow at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. September 8 was declared as the International literacy Day by UNESCO in 1966. The theme for this year's International Literacy Day is 'Literacy in Digital World'. The programme at Vigyan Bhawan would include felicitation of to dignitaries and conferring of the Saakshar Bharat Awards. The Sakshar Bharat Awards are given to the best performing States, Districts, Gram Panchayats and NGOs.
While, India gears up for the 51st international Literacy Day, it has reasons to rejoice and areas to improve. As per Educational Statistics for 2015-16, the literacy rate in India increased to 69.3% in 2011. In comparison to 2001, when the literacy rate was 61.0%, the improvement is decent.
A dramatic improvement is seen in the literacy rate of female population which improved from 47.8% in 2001 to 59.3% in 2011. Among males, the literacy rate has improved from 73.4% in 2001 to 78.8% in 2011.
Though the literacy rate has been on a upward trajectory in the past decade, the overall literacy rate in India is still lower than the global rate. Compared to the global youth literacy rate of 91%, India lags far behind with 69.3%.
As per UNESCO reports on literacy in the countries around the world, young women still contribute the largest ratio of illiterate youth around the world with almost 59% of illiterate youth being women.
India certainly has improved the literacy rate for young women with the gross enrolment ratio (GER) of girls almost equaling that of boys in secondary and senior secondary level of school. Where India needs to work is enrolment in Higher Education where there is a significant gap. The GER for students between 14-17 years is 65.3 and this number decreases dramatically to 24.3 for students between 18-23 years in Higher Education (as per Education Statistics 2015-16).
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While, India gears up for the 51st international Literacy Day, it has reasons to rejoice and areas to improve. As per Educational Statistics for 2015-16, the literacy rate in India increased to 69.3% in 2011. In comparison to 2001, when the literacy rate was 61.0%, the improvement is decent.
A dramatic improvement is seen in the literacy rate of female population which improved from 47.8% in 2001 to 59.3% in 2011. Among males, the literacy rate has improved from 73.4% in 2001 to 78.8% in 2011.
Though the literacy rate has been on a upward trajectory in the past decade, the overall literacy rate in India is still lower than the global rate. Compared to the global youth literacy rate of 91%, India lags far behind with 69.3%.
As per UNESCO reports on literacy in the countries around the world, young women still contribute the largest ratio of illiterate youth around the world with almost 59% of illiterate youth being women.
India certainly has improved the literacy rate for young women with the gross enrolment ratio (GER) of girls almost equaling that of boys in secondary and senior secondary level of school. Where India needs to work is enrolment in Higher Education where there is a significant gap. The GER for students between 14-17 years is 65.3 and this number decreases dramatically to 24.3 for students between 18-23 years in Higher Education (as per Education Statistics 2015-16).
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