This Article is From Feb 08, 2019

IPCC Result November 2018: ICAI Expected To Release CA Inter Result Today

IPCC Result 2019 or ICAI CA Inter result for exam conducted in November 2018 will be released today evening.

IPCC Result November 2018: ICAI Expected To Release CA Inter Result Today
IPCC Result 2019: ICAI will release CA Inter November 2018 exam result today

CA IPCC Result: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) will release the result for CA IPCC (CA Inter) today on the official websites. Candidates who appeared for the CA Inter exam in November 2018 will be able to check their result by 6:00 pm today. Candidates would need their registration number or PIN number and roll number in order to check their result.

ICAI will release the CA IPCC Result for both Old and New Course. Separate result links would be activated for the two courses and candidates would need to access their result accordingly.

Candidates who are awaiting their result should keep the necessary details handy in order to check their result as soon as it is declared. Apart from the result, ICAI will also release the all India merit list up to 50th rank.

Candidates who have registered for their result to be delivered by email will be receiving their result on their email ids a bit sooner.

ICAI has also made the provision to deliver the CA IPCC result by SMS. Candidates can check the process to get CA IPCC result by SMS here.

Those who pass in CA IPCC exam will then move on to CA Final level.

ICAI has already released the CPT, CA Foundation, and CA Final result for the November 2018 exam. The respective merit list for CA Foundation, CA Final New Course, and CA Final Old Course was also released on January 23, 2019.

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