The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) begins the board examinations today with Indian School Certificate (ISC) Examination for the year 2020. Today's examination is for Home Science (Paper 2) - Planning Session followed by Examination Session tomorrow. The ISC examinations will end on March 31, 2020.
As per the Council's notice, the result for the board exams would be released in May 2020 and no requests from students or guardians will be entertained by the Council in this regard.
Students appearing in the board examinations will be given extra 15 minutes before the commencement of the exam to read the question paper.
The practical examinations have been scheduled in the morning session - exam will start at 9. The theory exams, meanwhile, have been scheduled in the afternoon session and will start at 2 pm. For practical papers, the question paper will be distributed at 8:45 am and for theory exams, the question paper will be distributed at 1:45 pm.
Students should read the question paper carefully and answer only that number of questions as mentioned in the question paper.
Clarity of handwriting and correct spellings will be taken into account while evaluating the answer sheets. Hence, students should write their answers clearly, preferably using a fountain pen or a ball-point pen. Pencils can be used for making diagrams.
Students must bring mathematical and drawing instruments and colour pencils for subjects for which they will be needed. The use of a simple electronic calculator is permitted.
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