Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the results of the Indian School Certificate(Class 12) compartment/ Improvement examination. Students who appeared for the compartment examination can check their results from the official website at cisce.org.
Students who failed one or two courses in the CISCE ISC board exams 2023 took extra exams, while those who were dissatisfied with their Class 12 results took improvement exams.
ISC Compartment Result 2023: Steps to check
- Go to the official website of the CISCE at cisce.org.
- On the homepage, select 'ISC' from the courses.
- Now, enter your UID and Index Number
- CISCE ISC Compartment/Improvement result will be displayed on the screen.
- Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.
Here is the direct link: https://results.cisce.org/
CISCE said that schools will be provided with the marks of their candidates on the CAREERS Portal.
''…candidates who are successful at the Compartment Examination and whose overall results change from PCNA (Pass Certificate Not Awarded) to PCA (Pass Certificate Awarded), must return the previous Statement of Marks in original, to CISCE through their school. On receipt of the same, the revised Statement of Marks and Pass Certificate will be sent to the candidates' school,'' the council said in a notification.
ISC 12th Examination 2023 results were announced on May 14, whereas the exams were conducted from February 13 to March 31. This year around 2.5 lakh students appeared for the CISCE examination for Class 10, 12.