ITI Counselling 2019: The Department of Training and Technical Education, Delhi has released the result for third ITI counselling. The allotment list for the third counselling is available on the official website for Delhi ITI Counselling, itidelhiadmissions.nic.in. The reporting for candidates who are allotted a seat in the third counselling will begin on August 19 and conclude on August 21, 2019.
Delhi ITI 3rd Counselling Result 2019: How To Check?
Step one: Go to official website: https://itidelhiadmissions.nic.in
Step two: Click on the link for 'Third Counselling Result'.
Step three: Enter login id, password, and captcha code.
Step four: Submit and check your allotment status.
Delhi ITI 3rd Counselling Result 2019: Direct Link
No upgradation option will be available in the third round of counselling, and all Fresh allotted/ upgraded/ retained candidates will have to compulsorily report to the allotted ITI for Freezing their seat.
If a candidate fails to report to the allotted ITI, the seat allotted to the candidate will be cancelled and they will be out of the admission process.
Candidates who are not allotted a seat in this round will automatically become eligible for allotment in the next round of counselling.
The vacant seat position after third round of seat reporting will be displayed on the Online Admission Portal on August 22, 2019. The result for fourth round of seat allotment will be released on August 28, 2019.
There are 19 Government ITIs having 10292 seats for the session 2019-20 in 48 different trades affiliated with National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) or State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) are engaged in the ITI admission process in the national capital region.
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