Application form submission for various courses in Jamia Maillia Islamia has been extended in view of the nationwide lockdown extension announced by the government to fight the coronavirus spread. The registration process was scheduled to conclude recently.
"In view of the extension of the Lockdown period and guidelines of the MHA dated 15/04/02020 , the online filling of Admission forms of the university including schools has been further extended till 4th May,2020," a statement from the Delhi-based Central University said.
Vice-Chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) Prof Najma Akhtar had launched an admission web portal for receiving application forms for the session 2020-21 in February. Prof Akhtar also launched the Prospectus 2020 of Jamia admissions for next academic session then and the online forms for the Jamia admissions were made available from February 21, 2020.
The online application forms are available on the official portals at www.jmi.ac.in and www.jmicoe.in.
The online admission forms is open for all UG,PG, PG Diploma, Advance Diploma, Diploma and MPhil/PhD programmes offered by Jamia Millia.
Admission tests were earlier scheduled to start from April 18, 2020.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his address to the nation on Tuesday, declared that the lockdown in India will have to be extended till May 3, 2020, with a view to arrest the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in the country.
According to the consolidated revised guidelines have been issued on Wednesday, educational and training institutions will remain shut till May 3 across the country, which means, various academic activities will also remain suspended in this period.
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