Jammu University, which has been selected for Rs 100-crore funding under the Centre's Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyaan (RUSA) to promote excellence, has set up three centres for entrepreneurship and skill development.
"One of the focus of RUSA grant will be entrepreneurship and skill development sector. we have set up three such centres," Vice Chancellor of Jammu University Manoj Dhar said.
He said that these are business incubation and innovation centre, entrepreneurship and skill development centre, and industry, academia interface centre.
"We will focus on entrepreneurship and skill development. We want make job creators rather than job seekers," Mr Dhar said.
RUSA is meant for quality enhancement and improvement in teaching, research, skill and entrepreneurship and skill development and for upgrading and mentoring other institutions.
Ten universities, including Jammu university, have been selected for Rs 1,000 crore funding under RUSA.
Mr Dhar said that children work hard to get jobs but there is shortage of jobs. "We want to train such a human resource which will not only create economic opportunities and jobs for self but also create and offer jobs to others," he added.
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