JEE Advanced 2017 Admit Card To Be Released Tomorrow
The admit card for JEE Advanced 2017 exam will be available for download on the official website starting tomorrow at 10:00 am. JEE Advanced is conducted for admission to B.Tech. and BE programs offered at 23 IITs in the country. As per the eligibility norms, top 220000 candidates who qualify the JEE Main exam are eligible for JEE Advanced exam. This year 221427 candidates have qualified for the JEE Advanced exam. Out of the qualified candidates 175267 are boys and 46160 are girls.
The admit card for JEE Advanced will be available for downloading on the official website, that is http://www.jeeadv.ac.in tomorrow from 10:00 am. To download the JEE Advanced 2017 admit card, you would need your JEE Main 2017 roll number which you used at the time of registration for JEE Advanced.
About JEE Advanced 2017
JEE Advanced 2017 will have two papers - Paper I and Paper II. Both the papers will be of three hours duration. Each paper will have three sections - Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The question paper will have objective type questions and will test a candidate's comprehension, reasoning, and analytical ability. There will be negative marking for incorrect answers for some questions. The JEE Advanced 2017 exam is scheduled on May 21, 2017.
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The admit card for JEE Advanced will be available for downloading on the official website, that is http://www.jeeadv.ac.in tomorrow from 10:00 am. To download the JEE Advanced 2017 admit card, you would need your JEE Main 2017 roll number which you used at the time of registration for JEE Advanced.
About JEE Advanced 2017
JEE Advanced 2017 will have two papers - Paper I and Paper II. Both the papers will be of three hours duration. Each paper will have three sections - Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The question paper will have objective type questions and will test a candidate's comprehension, reasoning, and analytical ability. There will be negative marking for incorrect answers for some questions. The JEE Advanced 2017 exam is scheduled on May 21, 2017.
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