Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras will release the admit cards for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Advanced 2024 today. Candidates eligible for the exam will be able to download their cards by visiting the official website of JEE Advanced 2024. They will be required to enter their login credentials for accessing the admit cards.
Admit cards will be available for downloading till 2:30 pm on May 26. The exam is scheduled to be held on May 26, 2024 in two shifts. The first shift will be conducted from 9 am to 12 pm, while the second shift will be held from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. The cards will include details about the candidate's name, roll number for JEE (Advanced) 2024, photograph, signature, date of birth and address for correspondence and category.
The copy of candidate responses will be available on the JEE Advanced 2024 website from May 31, 2024. The provisional answer keys will be released on June 2, 2024. Candidates will have time from June 2-3, 2024 for submitting their feedback and comments on the provisional answer keys. The final results will be announced on June 9, 2024.
The exam will be conducted only in the Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. The question paper will consist of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2 of three hours duration each. Appearing for both the papers is compulsory. Each question paper will consist of three separate sections, that is Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
JEE Advanced is conducted to offer admission at IITs into undergraduate courses leading to a Bachelors, Integrated Masters, Bachelor-Master Dual Degree in Engineering, Sciences, or Architecture. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras is the organising institute for the JEE Advanced 2024.