The JEE Advanced 2019 is being held today, which is divided into two papers. The paper 1 was held in the morning slot from 9pm to 12pm. According to Navin C Joshi, Academic head and VP, Gradeup, the overall difficulty level of paper 1 and paper 1 was moderate. He added that students who were thoroughly prepared for JEE Advanced found the exam of moderate difficulty level. He also said the expected cut-off for general category may vary from 127- 142 marks out of the total 372 marks for admission to IITs
Through JEE Advanced, IITs offer admission into undergraduate courses leading to a Bachelor's, Integrated Master's or Bachelor-Master Dual Degree in Engineering, Sciences or Architecture.
JEE Advanced Post Exam Analysis By Expert
Here's what Navin C Joshi told NDTV on JEE Advanced Paper 1 held today:
"The overall difficulty level of paper 1 was moderate. The Physics section was of moderate difficulty, Maths was moderate but lengthy, while Chemistry was the easiest of the three sections. A few questions asked in Physics were based on the conceptual understanding of the topics. There were many application based questions asked on this subject. Students who were thoroughly prepared for JEE Advanced found the exam of moderate difficulty level".
"The overall difficulty level of JEE Advanced paper 2 was Moderate. As per the feedback received from the students, the Mathematics section was difficult, however, relatively easier than paper 1. Questions were highly conceptual and required good time management skills. The Chemistry section was easy and in line with the trend, while the Physics section was moderate and somewhat easier than Paper 1".
"A major change in the pattern was the absence of paragraph based questions. Overall, aspirants found Paper 1 tougher as compared to Paper 2. The expected cut-off for general category may vary from 127- 142 marks out of the total 372 marks for admission to IITs".
Here's what Bhuvana Anilkumar, HOD JEE and NEET courses at T.I.M.E said:
"JEE Advanced 2019 paper 1 is presumed by the aspirants as tougher than paper 2. Many of the students were unhappy about Physics in paper 1 and tried to focus on it in paper 2, resulting in not being able to give enough importance to Mathematics. They felt that Mathematics was lengthier to solve in paper 2".
"Chemistry had some tricky questions to challenge the depth of knowledge and logically concluding ability. Overall pattern of JEE Advanced 2019 was very similar to that of last year; multiple correct answer questions had partial marking also similar to last year".
According to reports, 2,24,000 students would be appearing in the JEE Advanced 2019 exam this year.
Students are selected to appear in JEE Advanced based on the scores in JEE Main. This year JEE Main was conducted twice.
The online registration for JEE Advanced 2019 started May 03, 2019 and closed on May 09, 2019.
The examination was held in India and abroad in the two shifts; Paper 1 was held from 9 am to 12 pm and Paper 2 is being held from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Both the papers are compulsory. The time duration for each paper is three hours. Each question paper are divided into three sections i.e, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
The question papers are of multiple choice answers or objective answers type in nature. Questions are designed to test a candidate's reasoning, comprehension and analytical abilities. Negative marks will be awarded for every wrong answer.
The question papers are in two languages Hindi and English. The candidates are free to switch the language at any time during the examination.
The entire JEE Advanced 2019 examination will be conducted in fully computer based test mode.