JEE Exam 2025: Key Guidelines For Engineering Entrance Exam

JEE Main 2025 Session 1 between January 22 and 30, 2024 for admission to BTech, BE, BArch and BPlanning.

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The exam is being conducted in CBT mode and pen and paper (offline) mode.
New Delhi:

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the JEE Main 2025 Session 1 between January 22 and 30, 2024 for admission to BTech, BE, BArch and BPlanning. 
The exam is being conducted in the following modes:
a) Paper 1 (BE /BTech) in 'Computer Based Test (CBT)' mode.
b) Paper 2A (BArch): Mathematics (Part-I) and Aptitude Test (Part-II) in 'Computer Based Test (CBT)' mode and Drawing Test (Part-III) in pen and paper (offline) mode, to be attempted on drawing sheet of A4 size.
c) Paper 2B (B Planning): Mathematics (Part-I), Aptitude Test (Part-II), and Planning-Based Questions (Part-III) in Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode.

Paper 1: BE/ BTech will comprise of sections on Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Each Subject will have two sections. Section A will be of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Section B will comprise questions whose answers are to be filled in as a numerical value. There will be negative marking for incorrect answer in Section A and Section B. 

Paper 2A (BArch) will comprise questions on Mathematics (Part-I) and Aptitude Test (Part-II) in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode and Drawing Test (Part-III) in Pen and Paper Based (offline) mode, to be attempted on a drawing sheet of A4 size. Around 20 questions in the paper will be MCQs and five questions will have answers to be filled as a numerical value. There will be negative marking for both Section A and Section B (except Drawing Test).

Paper 2B (BPlanning) exam will be divided into three parts- Part-I: Mathematics, Part-II: Aptitude Test, and Part-III: Planning in CBT mode. Around 20 questions in the  exam will be MCQs and five questions will have answers to be filled as a numerical value. There will be negative marking for both Section A and Section B (except Drawing Test). For each question in Section B, enter the correct integer value of the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the answer. 

To answer a question, the candidates need to choose one option corresponding to the correct answer or the most appropriate answer. In case any discrepancy is found after the process of challenges of the key verification, NTA will address it in the following manner:

Four marks will be awarded in case of every correct answer or the most appropriate answer.

Students will be awarded a negative marking of (-1) for any incorrect option marked.

Unanswered/marked for review will be given 0 mark.

If more than one option is found to be correct then four marks (+4) will be awarded to only those who have marked any of the correct options.

If all options are found to be correct then four marks (+4) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question.

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