JEE Main result 2019 declared: The National Testing Agency or NTA has announced the JEE Main result 2019 on the official website, jeemain.nic.in. The JEE Main scores for the exams held in the second week of this month can also be accessed from the official direct link provided here. Using the JEE Main results declared today, students may apply for graduate engineering and technological courses across the country along with the JEE advanced exam, which is common entrance test for premier engineering institutes in the country, IITs.
JEE Main Result 2019: 15 Candidates Secure 100 Percentile Scores
The HRD minister Prakash Javadekar said the NTA declared the JEE Main results in a record time.
JEE Main result declared: Direct link for accessing the scores
Candidates who are searching for JEE main results may click on the direct link provided here to download their scores:
JEE(Main) January 2019 NTA Score
JEE Main result declared: How to check

Follow these steps to download your JEE Main result for the January exam:
Step 1: Click on the link provided above or visit the official website of JEE Main (jeemain.nic.in) and click on the link "JEE(Main) January 2019 NTA Score" provided there
Step 2: On next page, enter your Application Number and Date of Birth
Step 3: Enter the security pin number provided there
Step 4: Click login
Step 5: Check your JEE Main scores from next page
JEE Main Result 2019 For January Exam Out @ Jeemain.nic.in; Live Updates
JEE Main result 2019: What is percentile score/rank
According to National Testing Agency, the JEE Main scores are normalised scores across multi session papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the examination in one session. The exam was held in various sessions from January 8 to January 12.
The marks obtained are converted into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
The NTA percentile score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that session.
JEE Mains Result 2019: Scores Released @ Jeemain.nic.in; What's Next
The Percentile scores of a Candidate have been calculated as follows: ‘100 X Number of candidates appeared in the ‘Session' with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate' divided by total number of the candidates appeared in the 'Session'
The NTA Score of the Total is NOT an aggregate or average of the NTA Score of individual subject.
NTA score is not the same as percentage of marks obtained.
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