The JEE Main Answer Key will be released on the official website, jeemain.nic.in.
JEE Main 2018 Answer Key: CBSE has released JEE Main 2018 entrance examination answer key today. The JEE Main 2018 Answer Key is available on the official website, jeemain.nic.in. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has held Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) main for the admission to premier technological and engineering institutes on April 8 (offline mode) and April 15, 16 (online mode). The candidates will be given chance to raise objections to the official answer keys published by the board.
A total of 2.16 lakh candidates appeared for the JEE Main online exam conducted in 247 cities, while, offline exam was held on April 8 for around 10.43 lakh aspirants in 112 cities in India and abroad.
April 24, 01.30 pm: Candidates may click on the links given on the JEE Main 2018 homepage to access answery key and raise objections on the keys. Click on these links: "
For answer key: "View/Challenge - Answer Key of Paper 1"
For Objections: "View/Challenge of Recorded Responses of Paper 1"
April 24, 12.30 pm: JEE main 2018 answer key released for paper 1.
April 24, 12.15 pm: The prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- per recorded response/per question challenged will be required to be submitted through Credit/Debit Card by 27/04/2018 (upto 11.59 PM). The refund (if any) will be transferred online to the concerned credit/debit card account. So, the candidates are advised to pay from their own credit/debit card.
April 24, 11.30 pm: Candidates who had appeared the exam in pen and paper mode can challenge the answer key and the recorded responses. Candidates who attempted the computer based exam can only raise objections against the answer key.
April 23, 2018 10:35 pm: The challenge of recorded responses of OMR answer sheets and answer keys will be accepted online only, through the link available on the website of JEE (Main) www.jeennain.nic.in latest by April 27, 2018 (upto 11.59 PM). The challenges submitted by post or in person will not be accepted.
April 23, 2018 10:30 pm: According CBSE, the question paper and marked responses in respect of candidates, who have appeared for computer based examination of JEE (Main) - 2018 have already been sent on their registered mail IDs so no challenge of recorded response will be accepted from such candidates. However, these candidates may also challenge answer keys but before submitting challenge they have to verify the sequence of questions and answer options of their question paper (sent to them through e-mail) with the question paper available on the website.
April 23, 2018 10:10 pm: CBSE will release JEE Main 2018 answer key tomorrow on the official website, http://jeemain.nic.in, however, the board has not released the exact time yet.
April 23, 2018 10:00 pm: Last year, the answer keys and images of response sheets (OMR sheets) of Pen and Paper Based examination and answer keys of Computer based examination were displayed on the website www.jeemain.nic.in during 18-22 April 2017.
April 23, 2018 9:00 pm: Wondering how to download your JEE Main admit card? Follow these steps given here:
Step One: Go to the official website jeemain.nic.in
Step Two: Click on the JEE Main answer key link
Step Three: Login with your registration details
Step Four: Download your answer key
More than 10 lakh students appeared for the JEE Main exam in offline mode and 2.16 lakh students appeared for the exam in online mode.
The result for JEE Main 2018 exam will be announced on April 30, 2018. The result will be declared on the official result portal (www.results.nic.in).
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A total of 2.16 lakh candidates appeared for the JEE Main online exam conducted in 247 cities, while, offline exam was held on April 8 for around 10.43 lakh aspirants in 112 cities in India and abroad.
JEE Main Answer Key 2018: Updates
April 24, 01.30 pm: Candidates may click on the links given on the JEE Main 2018 homepage to access answery key and raise objections on the keys. Click on these links: "
For answer key: "View/Challenge - Answer Key of Paper 1"
For Objections: "View/Challenge of Recorded Responses of Paper 1"
April 24, 12.30 pm: JEE main 2018 answer key released for paper 1.
April 24, 12.15 pm: The prescribed fee of Rs. 1000/- per recorded response/per question challenged will be required to be submitted through Credit/Debit Card by 27/04/2018 (upto 11.59 PM). The refund (if any) will be transferred online to the concerned credit/debit card account. So, the candidates are advised to pay from their own credit/debit card.
April 24, 11.30 pm: Candidates who had appeared the exam in pen and paper mode can challenge the answer key and the recorded responses. Candidates who attempted the computer based exam can only raise objections against the answer key.
April 23, 2018 10:35 pm: The challenge of recorded responses of OMR answer sheets and answer keys will be accepted online only, through the link available on the website of JEE (Main) www.jeennain.nic.in latest by April 27, 2018 (upto 11.59 PM). The challenges submitted by post or in person will not be accepted.
April 23, 2018 10:30 pm: According CBSE, the question paper and marked responses in respect of candidates, who have appeared for computer based examination of JEE (Main) - 2018 have already been sent on their registered mail IDs so no challenge of recorded response will be accepted from such candidates. However, these candidates may also challenge answer keys but before submitting challenge they have to verify the sequence of questions and answer options of their question paper (sent to them through e-mail) with the question paper available on the website.
April 23, 2018 10:10 pm: CBSE will release JEE Main 2018 answer key tomorrow on the official website, http://jeemain.nic.in, however, the board has not released the exact time yet.
#CBSE will release #JEEMain2018 answer key tomorrow. Check at https://t.co/KaYooo077B
- Maitree (@ItsMaitree) April 23, 2018
April 23, 2018 10:00 pm: Last year, the answer keys and images of response sheets (OMR sheets) of Pen and Paper Based examination and answer keys of Computer based examination were displayed on the website www.jeemain.nic.in during 18-22 April 2017.
April 23, 2018 9:00 pm: Wondering how to download your JEE Main admit card? Follow these steps given here:
Step One: Go to the official website jeemain.nic.in
Step Two: Click on the JEE Main answer key link
Step Three: Login with your registration details
Step Four: Download your answer key
More than 10 lakh students appeared for the JEE Main exam in offline mode and 2.16 lakh students appeared for the exam in online mode.
The result for JEE Main 2018 exam will be announced on April 30, 2018. The result will be declared on the official result portal (www.results.nic.in).
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