The National Testing Agency, the newly formed organisation to conduct competitive exams under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), has released the JEE Main result for the exams held in January this year. According to the National Testing Agency or NTA, the JEE Main scores are normalised scores across multi session papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the examination in one session. The JEE Main result scores have been normalised or prepared as percentile scores as the exam was held in various sessions from January 8 to January 12.
The JEE Main results have been released on jeemain.nic.in.
The NTA released the JEE Main results for the Paper 1 based on which the admission to graduate programmes of B.E and B.Tech being conducted in engineering colleges.
The JEE Main result for Paper 2 (used for the admission of B.Arch. &B. Planning) will be released later.
JEE Main result 2019: What is percentile score/rank
The NTA said in a statement related to JEE Main result today that the marks obtained by candidates are converted into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
The NTA percentile score in JEE Main result indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that session.
The Percentile scores of a Candidate have been calculated as follows: '100 X Number of candidates appeared in the 'Session' with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate' divided by 'total number of the candidates appeared in the 'Session''
The NTA Score of the Total is NOT an aggregate or average of the NTA Score of individual subject.
NTA score is not the same as percentage of marks obtained.
Why Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score
NTA is conducting examinations on multiple dates, generally in two sessions per day. The candidates are given different sets of questions per session and it is quite possible that in spite of all efforts of maintaining equivalence among various question papers, the difficulty level of these question papers administered in different sessions may not be exactly the same.
Some of the candidates may end up attempting a relatively tougher set of questions when compared to other sets.
The candidates who attempt the comparatively tougher examination are likely to get lower marks as compared to those who attempt the easier one.
In order to overcome such a situation, "Normalization procedure based on Percentile Score" is being used for ensuring that candidates are neither benefitted nor disadvantaged due to the difficulty level of the examination.
With the objective of ensuring that a candidate's true merit is identified, and that a level playing field is created in the above context, the Normalization Procedure adopted, for compiling the NTA scores for multi session papers.
To read more on the process, click this official document released by the NTA: Normalisation Procedure - NTA Score
The next online application for JEE Main April 2019 exam will start from February 8 and will remain open till March 7, 2019 for the Computer-Based Test or CBT scheduled between April 6 and 20, 2019.
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