Kakatiya University Degree Results 2017: Know How To Check
New Delhi:
Kakatiya University degree results have come out. Candidates awaiting the result are in a fix as the website is not responding right now. Such candidates are suggested to have patience and wait for a while before retrying. Due to multiple logins at the same time, the website is likely to slow down. The University has declared results for various undergraduate courses. Results have been declared at the official website of Kakatiya University at kuexams.org. Candidates can also get result related information at kakatiya.ac.in and manabadi.com, as well.
How to check Kakatiya University degree results 2017?
Go to the official website of the University at the websites mentioned above
Click on the respective course
Enter the details asked
Submit the details (hall ticket number and security code, in this case)
Get the result
Results have been declared for the exams held in May/ June 2017. Degree results for the examinations held in March/ April was declared in June.
The University has declared supplementary examinations time table for Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) which are scheduled for October and November this year. Candidates can check the details at official website.
According the Kakatiya University Time Table notification, the candidates will not be allowed into examination hall after 9.00 AM for fore-noon session and 2.00 PM for after-noon session.
The Kakatiya University first year General English exams will be held on October 4 while the second language exams will be held on October 6, the time table said.
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How to check Kakatiya University degree results 2017?
Go to the official website of the University at the websites mentioned above
Click on the respective course
Enter the details asked
Submit the details (hall ticket number and security code, in this case)
Get the result
Results have been declared for the exams held in May/ June 2017. Degree results for the examinations held in March/ April was declared in June.
The University has declared supplementary examinations time table for Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) which are scheduled for October and November this year. Candidates can check the details at official website.
According the Kakatiya University Time Table notification, the candidates will not be allowed into examination hall after 9.00 AM for fore-noon session and 2.00 PM for after-noon session.
The Kakatiya University first year General English exams will be held on October 4 while the second language exams will be held on October 6, the time table said.
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