Karnataka 2nd PUC Exam 3 2024: Steps To Check Result
- Go to the official website of Karnataka Results, karresults.nic.in
- On the homepage, click on "PUC EXAMINATION-3 RESULT 2024 ANNOUNCED ON 16/07/2024"
- Enter the login details
- Check the result and save it
- Take a printout of the result for future reference
Candidates can apply for the scan copy of the II PUC 2024 Exam-3 from July 17 to July 21. They can apply for revaluation and retotaling of the II PUC 2024 Exam-3 from July 18 to July 24.
Students can apply online only. Charges for scan copies and revaluation are fixed as per the order of the Government.
Starting this academic year, the KSEAB has conducted three annual examinations for 2nd PUC classes.
Last year, the Karnataka Class 12 PUC 2 exams were conducted from March 9 to 29, with results declared on April 21. The overall pass percentage stood at 74.67%, with 5,24,209 students passing out of 7,27,923 registered.
The Karnataka 2nd PUC result for 2023 was announced on April 2. The pass rates were 61.22% for arts, 75.89% for commerce, and the highest was 85.71% for science.