KSEEB SSLC Supplementary Result 2018: The Karnataka SSLC Result for Supplementary exam which was held in June will not be declared anytime soon. The supplementary exams were held from June 21 to June 28. Earlier there were speculative reports that KSEEB will be releasing the SSLC Supplementray exam soon, but NDTV confirmed with the board. A board official informed that KSEEB is still the process of evaluation and hence the result should not be expected anytime soon.
The board may release the result in 10-15 days time, after it finishes the evaluation process. Students are advised to be patient and follow official KSEEB website for any update on result date.
After the evaluation is done, KSEEB will make a formal announcement about result declaration on its official website.
As and when the result is declared, it will be available on the following two website:
Other third party result hosting websites may also make SSLC supplementary results available.
After the result is declared, students should follow the steps given below to check their result:
Step One: Open the official Karnataka results website, karresults.nic.in.
Step Two: Click on Karnataka SSLC Supplementary Result 2018 link given on the homepage of the website.
Step Three: Enter your Karnataka SSLC exam 2018 roll number.
Step Four: Click Submit link.
Step Five: Check your results.
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