Kerala DHSE Plus One Higher Secondary Improvement, Supplementary July 2017 Exam Dates Announced
New Delhi:
The Kerala Higher Secondary, Technical Higher Secondary, Art Higher Secondary first year improvement or supplementary examination of July 2017 will commence with effect from July 19 to July 26 as per the time table appended, said a notification from Kerala DHSE. The Kerala plus one improvement or supplementary examination of July 2017 will be conducted at the Examination centres in Kerala, Lakshadweep and UAE.
Almost after a fortnight of declaration of the Kerala class 12th result 2017, Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) Kerala has declared the plus one or Class 11 results on May 31.
In regular category, candidates who have appeared for all the six subjects at the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2017 can register in this examination for upto three subjects for improving his/her scores in those subjects.
Candidates who have registered for the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2017, but could not attend the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March, 2017 due to various reasons can register for all subjects for which they were absent, said the notification.
In addition to registering for the absent papers such candidates can also register for improving the scores of upto three papers of the appeared subjects, added the notification.
A candidate who was absent for all six subjects at the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2017 can register for all six subjects.
In lateral entry candidates' category, candidates admitted to the Second Year Higher Secondary course from other Boards/Institutions during 2017-2018 shall appear for all subjects in this supplementary Examination as lateral entry candidates.
In compartmental candidates category, candidates who registered for the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, in between March 2009 to March 2017, but did not appear for the exam and completed the Second Year Course can register for this Examination provided they have undergone Continuous Evaluation for all six subjects.
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Almost after a fortnight of declaration of the Kerala class 12th result 2017, Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) Kerala has declared the plus one or Class 11 results on May 31.
In regular category, candidates who have appeared for all the six subjects at the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2017 can register in this examination for upto three subjects for improving his/her scores in those subjects.
Candidates who have registered for the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2017, but could not attend the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March, 2017 due to various reasons can register for all subjects for which they were absent, said the notification.
In addition to registering for the absent papers such candidates can also register for improving the scores of upto three papers of the appeared subjects, added the notification.
A candidate who was absent for all six subjects at the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, March 2017 can register for all six subjects.
In lateral entry candidates' category, candidates admitted to the Second Year Higher Secondary course from other Boards/Institutions during 2017-2018 shall appear for all subjects in this supplementary Examination as lateral entry candidates.
In compartmental candidates category, candidates who registered for the First Year Higher Secondary Examination, in between March 2009 to March 2017, but did not appear for the exam and completed the Second Year Course can register for this Examination provided they have undergone Continuous Evaluation for all six subjects.
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