Kerala Diploma exam result has been declared. The Board of Technical Education Kerala has hosted the Diploma result on its website. The exam was held in November. Candidates who took the exam can check it using their roll numbers. The website is not responding currently. Candidates can wait for a while and retry later.
Candidates would be allowed to apply for revaluation of the exam paper till January 22.
The result of the Diploma exam held in April was released in June.
For the November exam, the registration process was held in September.
The Diploma Examination is held in Engineering/ Technology/ Management/ Commercial Practice. All the polytechnic colleges in the Kerala (Government/ Aided/ Self financing) are the examination centers.
The Board has also released details of Kerala Government Certificate Examination Courses in Engineering. The exam will be held for the branches of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Radio & Television Engineering and Operation & Maintenance of Agricultural Machineries course during the month of April - May 2020.
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