New Delhi:
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the images of OMR sheets of all candidates who had appeared for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) recruitment examination. The exam was held for recruitment to the posts of Principal and Primary Teacher (Music) on 17 December 2016. The Board has also released the answer keys in order to ensure transparency in the process. Candidates should note that the OMR sheets along with the answer key will be available till 21 February 2017 (midnight).
Candidates can check the OMR sheets and the answer key at the official webpages mecbsekvs.in and kvsangathan.nic.in.
In case candidates want to challenge an answer in the Answer key given by the Board, they can do so online.
How to submit challenges against an answer?
Candidates should submit their challenge (s) in the prescribed format available online. Challenges must be submitted online only. Candidates should not use other modes of submission like fax, post or email.
While submitting the challenges candidates shall have to deposit a fee of Rs 500 per challenge. The fee must be submitted by e-challan through HDFC Bank.
Candidates should note that though the fee is non-refundable, but if the Board accepts the challenge (the mistake is noticed by the subject experts), the fee shall be refunded.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) had invited applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of Teaching staff to the posts of Principal, Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs), Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs), Primary Teacher (PRT) and Primary Teacher (Music) in September 2016.
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Candidates can check the OMR sheets and the answer key at the official webpages mecbsekvs.in and kvsangathan.nic.in.
In case candidates want to challenge an answer in the Answer key given by the Board, they can do so online.
How to submit challenges against an answer?
Candidates should submit their challenge (s) in the prescribed format available online. Challenges must be submitted online only. Candidates should not use other modes of submission like fax, post or email.
While submitting the challenges candidates shall have to deposit a fee of Rs 500 per challenge. The fee must be submitted by e-challan through HDFC Bank.
Candidates should note that though the fee is non-refundable, but if the Board accepts the challenge (the mistake is noticed by the subject experts), the fee shall be refunded.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) had invited applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of Teaching staff to the posts of Principal, Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs), Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs), Primary Teacher (PRT) and Primary Teacher (Music) in September 2016.
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