Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant said officials from the Higher Education department will visit universities and educational institutes across Maharashtra to resolve their issues.
The move will bring relief to students and faculty who spend a lot of time and money travelling to Mumbai to get their problems resolved, the minister said, during a press meet here on Thursday.
Mr Samant was in Aurangabad to unveil a painting of former Chief Minister Yashwantrao Chavan at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University.
"Students and professors who live in remote areas have to travel all the way to Mumbai to get their problems resolved. This causes financial strain and is also time consuming," the minister said.
A team from the higher education department will visit different universities and educational institutions in each district to hear their concerns, he said.
The visits will start from Gadchiroli district next month, Mr Samant said.
The minister also spoke about establishing a dedicated institute to study saint culture.
"The state government has sought permission from the University Grants Commission to set up an institution dedicated to studying saint culture. But the matter is yet to be addressed," he said.
A committee has been formed to finalise the syllabus for this institute, which will be set up under Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, he said.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)