Maharashtra SSC Result 2019: Maharashtra Board has not released SSC result yet. Students are advised to not be swayed by reports which suggest that Maharashtra board has released class 10 results. The Maharashtra Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) will make an announcement about SSC result declaration date and time, after the result date is decided, on its website. So far, no such notice has been released on the website, so students can relax and wait.
Any update on the SSC result will be released on the Maharashtra Board website, mahahsscboard.maharashtra.gov.in. The board will also update result date and time on the official results portal for Maharashtra Board examinations, mahresult.nic.in.
Apart from the official websites mentioned above, students can also check their result on private exam result websites such as Indiaresults.com, examresult.net etc.
In 2018, Maharashtra Board had released the SSC result on June 8. 89.41 per cent students passed in Maharashtra SSC exam last year. The pass percentage for girls was 91.17 per cent and for boys was 87.27 per cent. The pass percentage for Konkan district was 96%, for Mumbai the pass percentage was 90.41% and for Pune, it was 92.08%. The least pass percentage was recorded for Nagpur which was 85% pass percentage.
The pass percentage for HSC students dropped this year. It remains to be seen if the performance of SSC students improves this year or follows on the lines of HSC result.
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