While most state boards have either released board exam results or are have announced result dates, Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) is yet to make an announcement on HSC and SSC result declaration. Maharashtra Board, last year, had declared HSC result on May 30 and SSC result on June 8. HSC or class 12 examinations were conducted from February 21 to March 20 and SSC or class 10 examinations were conducted from March 1 to march 22, 2019 in Maharashtra.
A Board official, upon contacting, had earlier said that no date was fixed yet and in case of result declaration all stakeholders will be informed at least a day prior to the date of result declaration.
Maharashtra board result will be released on the board's official website (mahahsscboard.maharashtra.gov.in) and the official results portal (mahresult.nic.in).
In 2018, 89.41 per cent students had qualified in the Maharashtra SSC examination with girls performing better than boys in terms of pass percentage. The pass percentage for girls was 91.17 per cent and for boys was 87.27 per cent.
In Maharashtra HSC examination, the overall pass percentage was 88.41 per cent. Girls pass percentage was 92.36 per cent and boys pass percentage was 85.23 per cent. The pass percentage for Science stream was 95.85 per cent, for Commerce stream was 89.50 per cent and for Arts stream was 78.93 per cent.
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