Manipur HSLC result: An update from the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur (BSEM) is awaited on Manipur HSLC result 2019. The Manipur board, yesterday, updated its result website with the information that HSLC result will be released soon. Since the update yesterday, there has not been no further updates, nor has the result link been activated on the website. However, the result is available on private result hosting website, India Result. Manipur 12th results for 2019 board exams have already been declared.
India Result (indiaresults.com) has the result for Manipur HSLC exam conducted this year and students can check the same using their examination roll number or their name as registered with the board.
We tried to contact the board but have received no response. While students may check their result from the private website mentioned above, it is prudent to wait for the board to make a formal announcement and check their result from the official website as and when it is released.
The Manipur Board, along with the HSLC result of individual students, will also release the merit list and other result statistics.
When Manipur HSLC result is released on the board's official results portal, students will be able to check it using the steps given below:
Step one: Go to official website: manresults.nic.in
Step two: Click on the link given for HSLC Exam Result 2019.
Step three: Enter the required details.
Step four: Submit and view your result.
In 2018, BSEM had released Manipur HSLC result on May 25. Last year 73.18 per cent students passed in HSLC exam in Manipur.
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