Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (CET) Cell will release the MHT CET 3-year LLB counselling 2022 round 2 alphabetical merit list tomorrow, November 15. The candidates who have registered for Maharashtra LLB CET CAP round 2 can check the merit list on the official website-- llb3cap22.mahacet.org. The candidates who will get selected in the MHT CET LLB 2nd alphabetic merit list can submit grievances related to it between November 15 and 17, 2022.
During the objection window, candidates will be given chance to upload relevant documents and resolve grievances related to the Alphabetic Merit List till November 17, 2022. The final merit list for the second round will be published on November 18. The Maharashtra State CET Cell will also issue the merit list for NRI, OCI, PIO, FNS and CIWGC candidates tomorrow.
The round 2 allocations is scheduled to be issued on November 21. Eligible candidates can report at the allotted college and confirm their seats from November 22 to November 25, 2022. Colleges will issue the list of admitted candidates on the portal between November 22 and 28, 2022. The State CET Cell will release the filled-in seats and vacant seats details after CAP round 2 counselling on November 28, 2022.
MHT CET 3-Year LLB Round 2 Alphabetical Merit List: How To Check?
Step 1: Visit the Maharashtra CET Cell website-- cetcell.mahacet.org
Step 2: Go to the CAP Admission Portal and click on 3-year LLB section
Step 3: On the new page click on the 3-year LLB CAP round 2 merit list
Step 4: Search your name in the merit list PDF using the shortcut (ctrl+f) key
Step 5: Download the MHT CET CAP round 2 alphabetical merit list for further reference.