NATA 2017: Download Admit Cards From March 28
New Delhi:
In a new notification, Council of Architecture (COA) has said that the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2017 will be released on March 28. According to the official calendar of NATA 2017 the admit cards were supposed to be released on March 26. But the council said that 'due to some unavoidable circumstances' the date of admit card download has been postponed to March 28. The application process for National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) 2017 is over and the next stage is the admit card download.
"This is for information of all concerned that due to some unavoidable circumstances the date of Publication of Downloadable Admit Card stands rescheduled from 10.00 AM of 26th March, 2017 to 10.00 AM of 28th March, 2017," said a notification from COA.
NATA is conducted by Council of Architecture (COA) for admission to first year of 5 year B.Arch. degree courses at all recognized architecture institutes in the country.
The exam is scheduled for April 16. The exam will be conducted in offline mode and will have two parts. The test will be of three hours duration.
To download the hall tickets/admit cards of NATA 2017, the applicants can login to the official website of the test.
NATA 2017 Exam Pattern
The NATA question paper consists of two parts (Part A and Part B) and each part has to be completed in 90 minutes. The total duration for the exam is 180 minutes or three hours. The exam will be conducted on April 16 between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.
Part A will be of objective type. The OMR sheet for Part A will be withdrawn at the end of 90 minutes. Part A will have 20 questions from Mathematics and 40 questions from General Aptitude. Each question will carry 2 marks. The total marks for Part A will be 120.
Part B will be drawing test and will be of 90 minutes duration. This part will have two questions each carrying 40 marks. The total marks attributed to this section is 80.
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"This is for information of all concerned that due to some unavoidable circumstances the date of Publication of Downloadable Admit Card stands rescheduled from 10.00 AM of 26th March, 2017 to 10.00 AM of 28th March, 2017," said a notification from COA.
NATA is conducted by Council of Architecture (COA) for admission to first year of 5 year B.Arch. degree courses at all recognized architecture institutes in the country.
The exam is scheduled for April 16. The exam will be conducted in offline mode and will have two parts. The test will be of three hours duration.
To download the hall tickets/admit cards of NATA 2017, the applicants can login to the official website of the test.
NATA 2017 Exam Pattern
The NATA question paper consists of two parts (Part A and Part B) and each part has to be completed in 90 minutes. The total duration for the exam is 180 minutes or three hours. The exam will be conducted on April 16 between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.
Part A will be of objective type. The OMR sheet for Part A will be withdrawn at the end of 90 minutes. Part A will have 20 questions from Mathematics and 40 questions from General Aptitude. Each question will carry 2 marks. The total marks for Part A will be 120.
Part B will be drawing test and will be of 90 minutes duration. This part will have two questions each carrying 40 marks. The total marks attributed to this section is 80.
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