To help student community in the difficult situation arising out of suspension of physical classes and closure of physical libraries arising out of COVID-19 lockdown, National Digital Library of India (NDLI) has initiated specially designed collections of e-resources for specific group of students. The students may visit www.ndl.gov.in or ndl.iitkgp.ac.in to access these resources free of cost.
"We are constantly updating these collections and the features. Communication about these enhancements are being sent periodically through NDL India social networking pages. Stay tuned to these channels," according to a release from NDLI.
NDLI hosts materials including books, questions papers, video lectures, model answers self-assessment, and solutions of various educational boards and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). It also hosts preparation materials for competitive examinations like Joint Entrance Examination or JEE.
The School section of NDLI hosts books of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Andhra Pradesh Board, Gujarat Board, Jammu Kashmir Board, Karnataka Boar, Kerala Board, Madhya Pradesh Board, Maharashtra Board, Odisha Higher Secondary Board, Odisha Secondary Board, Odisha Primary Board, Odisha Technical Education and Vocational Training, Punjab School Education Board, Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Tamil Nadu Board, Tripura Board, West Bengal Higher Secondary Board and West Bengal Vocational Board Question.
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