National Education Day On Birth Anniversary Of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
New Delhi:
Since 2008, November 11 is celebrated as National Education Day. But why this particular date? Well, November 11 is the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad who was the first education Minister of independent India. Maulana Abul Kalam was of the opinion that education was the right of one and all. He was responsible for setting up of apex bodies such as AICTE and UGC. IITs, IISc and School of Architecture and Planning were also his brainchild. The celebration of the day as National Education Day is only fitting to his legacy.
One of the interesting facts about Maulana Azad is that even though he did not receive formal schooling, he was well versed in Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and Hindi. He was also a scholar of mathematics, philosophy, world history, and science.
Maulana Azad was also a prominent journalist of his time and championed the cause of Indian Nationalist movement. He understood the correlation between education and nation's development. He strongly advocated free and compulsory education for children up to the age of 14 years. He knew that India was a nation with abroad cultural spectrum and hence needed educated citizens to participate in nation-building tasks.
Understanding that even though independent, India was widely illiterate and hence he advocated adult education and literacy and also stressed on vocational training and diversification of secondary education.
Not just primary education and literacy but, Azad was also instrumental in promotion of culture and literature through education. Most of the cultural and literary academies we see today such as Lalit Kala Academy, Sahitya Academy etc. were established by him.
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One of the interesting facts about Maulana Azad is that even though he did not receive formal schooling, he was well versed in Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and Hindi. He was also a scholar of mathematics, philosophy, world history, and science.
Maulana Azad was also a prominent journalist of his time and championed the cause of Indian Nationalist movement. He understood the correlation between education and nation's development. He strongly advocated free and compulsory education for children up to the age of 14 years. He knew that India was a nation with abroad cultural spectrum and hence needed educated citizens to participate in nation-building tasks.
Understanding that even though independent, India was widely illiterate and hence he advocated adult education and literacy and also stressed on vocational training and diversification of secondary education.
Not just primary education and literacy but, Azad was also instrumental in promotion of culture and literature through education. Most of the cultural and literary academies we see today such as Lalit Kala Academy, Sahitya Academy etc. were established by him.
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