NCERT has begun counselling services for school students amid coronavirus lockdown. The counselling services will be provided free of charge.
"The novel corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic is a situation that is affecting children physically as well as psychologically. The pandemic has caused strong feelings such as sadness, fear, anxiety, helplessness, uncertainty, loss of interest and hopelessness," says a notice on CIET website. CIET or Central Institute of Education Technology is a nodal agency under NCERT for promoting the use of mass media technology for expanding and improving the quality of education at the school level.
NCERT is providing the counselling to address mental health concerns of children during and after COVID-19 through its trained counselors.
For this purpose, NCERT has released region-wise list of counselors, their email addresses, and contact numbers. Students who wish to seek guidance can get in touch with the counselors on WhatsApp, phone or through email.
The contact information for the counselors can be found here:
NCERT is not the only one providing counselling to students during the lockdown. Higher Education institutes like Delhi University, Lucknow University, IGNOU are also providing psychological counselling to students through phone and email.
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