As many as 85-90 per cent aspirants of NEET have appeared in the eligibility test today among the 15.97 lakh registered candidates. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has conducted the NEET 2020 exam between 2 pm and 5 pm today. Candidates who qualify NEET 2020 exam, and score the required cutoff, will be eligible to appear for the counselling and take the admission processes farther.
The Minister of Education Ramesh Pokhriyal took to Twitter to announce this attendance. The minister said: “NTA informed me that around 85-90% students appeared in #NEET exam today.”
“I sincerely thank all Chief Ministers and DG [Director General] NTA for proper arrangements made to facilitate student participation. NEET participation reflects the tenacity and grit of young #AtmaNirbharBharat,” Mr Pokhriyal added.
NTA informed me that around 85-90% students appeared in #NEET exam today. I sincerely thank all Chief Ministers and @DG_NTA for proper arrangements made to facilitate student participation. #NEET participation reflects the tenacity and grit of young #AtmaNirbharBharat .
— Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank (@DrRPNishank) September 13, 2020
The NTA, this year, had to take various measures to conduct the NEET during the COVID-19 pandemic including increasing the number of NEET exam centres, staggered entry and exits and providing assurance to the candidates of safety. Various state governments and railway services have also come forward to help students reach their NEET exam centres amid the pandemic.