Only days after releasing the FMGE 2020 result for 535 withheld candidates, National Board of Examination (NBE) has again released the result of withheld candidates. This time the result has been released for 433 candidates whose results were withheld due to submission of deficient documents. The result of these candidates is now available on the Board's official website.
Out of the 433 candidates whose result was withheld, 135 have been declared pass.
NBE had released the result for Screening Test held for Indian Nationals with Foreign Medical Qualification (FMGE 2019) on January 20 this year.
FMGE 2019 Result For Withheld Candidates
Foreign Medical Graduate Exam (FMGE), the exam that grants license to foreign medical college graduates to practice medicine in India is conducted by the National Board of Examinations, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Candidates who have submitted provisional certificates of their primary medical qualifications and have been declared qualified in FMGE Dec 2019 may kindly note that FMGE Pass Certificates to them shall only be issued on production of their Primary Medical Qualification Degree Certificates in original, duly attested by Indian Embassy concerned, before NBE at the time of collection of FMGE Pass Certificates.
The FMGE exam was established for improving the quality of the medical education by establishing standards of post graduate examinations in modern medicine on an all India basis.
In the last five years, from 2014 to 2018, only 14 per cent of the foreign medical graduates who took the exam to obtain license to practice medicine in India could qualify it, according to an official data.
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