NEET UG 2020 form correction will come to an end today. The NEET form correction window re-opened on March 13 and will close today at midnight. Students who are yet to check their application forms should do so before the end of the day and make necessary corrections, if required. In case if a candidate is found to have provided wrong information, they will be debarred from the examination.
"Online information provided by candidates like name of candidate, contact/ address details, category, PwD status, educational qualification details, date of birth, etc will be treated as correct/final. Any request for changes in information after the closure of correction period will not be considered by NTA under any circumstances," reads the NEET UG information brochure.
"The aspirants of J & K who have submitted offline Application Form can also avail the correction facility in their Application Form on the website https://ntaneet.nic.in. Application number for such candidates will be shared with them separately through Email and SMS," reads NEET UG notice for form correction.
As per the official NEET UG 2020 schedule, the admit cards for applicants will be released on the official website on March 27, 2020.
NEET UG 2020 examination is scheduled on May 3, 2020. The exam will be OMR-based and objective in nature. It will be of 3 hours' duration. The result will tentatively be released by June 4, 2020.
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