Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has extended the last date for candidates who have joined their allotted college in NEET PG Round I of counselling to resign from their joined seat. Now, students will have time to resign their seat by 5:00 pm on May 8, 2020.
Students who wish to resign their seat can send their information to the allotted college by email or report physically requesting for their resignation and the respective college will resign the seat online. The resigned seats will come back in the system for allotment in Round 2. MCC has also requested colleges to email the resignation letter to such candidates.
Candidates who resign their seats will be allowed to participate in the second round of counselling. For second round allotment, students will have to submit fresh choices.
The details for second round of counselling will be released soon on the official website.
The date for resignation of seats has been pushed further in view of many state counselling processes being delayed due to Covid-19 outbreak and various court cases. The state counselling processes began on April 20 and were to conclude on May 4, 2020.
MCC conducts counselling process only for the 50% All India Quota seats of all states except Jammu and Kashmir, 100% seats (All India Quota seats + Institutional Quota seats) of Central Universities (Aligarh Muslim University/ Banaras Hindu University/ University of Delhi/ Central Institutes, 100% seats of Deemed Universities, 50% AIQ P.G seats of colleges under Employee State Insurance Corporation (wards of ESIC insured persons), and Central Institutes, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, ABVIMS & RML Hospital and ESIC Institute, PGIMSR, Basaidarapur (50% All India Quota seats and 50% seats of I.P University).
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