
NEET PG Counselling 2024: Round 1 Resignation Facility Begins

The resignation have been allowed as many candidates were allotted seats in the state counselling.

NEET PG Counselling 2024: Round 1 Resignation Facility Begins
The last date for resignation is December 3.
New Delhi:

The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has released a notification allowing candidates to resign from their seats allotted in the first round of the National Eligibility Entrance Test - Postgraduate (NEET PG) counselling 2024. The resignation have been allowed as many candidates were allotted seats in the state counselling. The last date for resignation is December 3.

An official notification by the MCC reads, "MCC is in receipt of requests from PG candidates for resignation of Round-1 seats allotted to them through MCC since they have been allotted seats from Round-1 of state counselling also. Hence, the competent authority has allowed Resignation from Round-1 PG seats allotted through MCC so that such candidates can join their state counselling seats," MCC said in an official notice.

Candidates will be required to visit the allotted college to vacate their allotted seats. Institutes have also been asked to ensure that all resignations are entered in the intramc portal of MCC failing which the resignation of students will be treated as 'Null & Void'.

NEET PG Round 2 Timeline

  • Verification and payment: December 4 to December 9, up to noon
  • Choice filling and locking: December 5 to December 9, available until 11:55 pm on December 9, according to server time.
  • Seat processing: December 10 to December 11
  • Result announcement: December 12
  • Reporting or joining: December 13 to December 20

Round 3 Timeline

  • Verification and payment: December 26 to January 1, up to noon
  • Choice filling and locking: December 27 to January 1, available until 11:55 pm on December 31, as per server time.
  • Seat processing: January 2 to January 3
  • Result announcement: January 4
  • Reporting or joining: January 6 to January 13