NTA UGC NET Answer Key: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the answer key for National Eligibility Test (NET) held from June 20 to June 26. Candidates who took the NET can download the answer key from NTA portal and can also challenge the same till July 3. Candidates are required to pay online a sum of Rs. 1000 (one thousand only) for each question challenged. The fee will be refunded if the challenge is found correct. NTA released the NET question papers and response sheet on June 28.
Considering the challenges submitted by the candidates, the NTA will release the result on the basis of the final NET answer key. "The NTA decision on the challenges shall be final and the result will be declared on the basis of final answer keys," said the agency.
There shall be no re-evaluation/ re-checking of NET result.
NTA will declare the NET result within July 15. The result will be hosted on the official website of the NTA. Candidates will not be individually intimated about their result. The number of candidates to be qualified shall be equal to 6% of the candidates appeared in both the papers of NET.
The NTA NET examination was conducted for two papers. Paper one had 50 questions focusing primarily on teaching and research aptitude, general awareness and knowledge etc.
Paper two had 100 subject-specific questions. Each question, in both paper 1 and 2, carried 2 marks. The composite time to complete both papers was 3 hours. There was no time gap between the two papers.
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