This Article is From Apr 22, 2018

NIOS D.El.Ed. Exam From 24 April

Regarding NIOS D.El.Ed result, the official update says it will be released in 8 to 10 weeks after the last date of the exam.

NIOS D.El.Ed. Exam From 24 April
NIOS D.El.Ed Exam Schedule; Check At
New Delhi: National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) will conduct D.El.Ed. exam 24 April onwards. Exam for vocational courses will also begin alongside. 'Practical Examinations in all the Vocational Courses will be held at the same Study Centre (AVI) where the candidate has taken admission,' reads the official update for vocational courses. NIOS public exam for D.El.Ed. will be held for the first time in three modules 501, 502 and 503; registration for which was held in February-March 2018.

For untrained in service teachers who have registered for the D.El.Ed programme of NIOS the exam for 501, 502 and 503 courses will begin on 31 May. The exam will be held from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. The exam will be held on 31 May, 1 June and 2 June.

During registration, NIOS had asked the untrained teachers who have registered for the Diploma in Elementary Education (DElEd) not to submit the offline forms at study centres or to pay any money to study centre either in Cash or through Bank Draft. The teacher training programme is designed for all untrained government, government aided, private unaided recognized in- service untrained teachers of Elementary Schools.

Regarding NIOS D.El.Ed result, the official update says it will be released in 8 to 10 weeks after the last date of the exam. 'No queries about the actual date of declaration of results will be entertained. The result will also be available on the NIOS website soon after its declaration. Copy of the relevant portion of the result will be provided to the Accredited Vocational Institutions immediately after the declaration of results. The Marks Statements and the Passing Certificates of the candidates will be made available through the concerned AVI,' it further adds.

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