National Institute of Open Schooling has released examination schedule for the last supplementary examination for D.El.Ed. course for untrained In-Service Teachers of NIOS (MHRD). The examination will be conducted for course codes 501-510. The examination has been scheduled in January and will be conducted in the afternoon session, i.e. from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
The online registration for the last Supplementary examination will begin on October 16, 2019 and conclude on October 31, 2019. Candidates who wish to appear for the Supplementary exam will have to pay Rs. 250 per paper while registering for the exam.
The examination fee can be submitted by logging into the NIOS D.El.Ed. website: 'nios.ac.in' or 'dled.nios.ac.in'.
The hall tickets of the candidates who successfully register for the last supplementary exam will be released on the NIOS website one week prior to the exam.
The last Supplementary exam for NIOS D.El.Ed. will begin with the exam for paper code 501 (Elementary Education in India: A Socio Cultural Perspective) on January 4, 2020. The exams with conclude on January 18, 2020 with exam for paper codes 509 (Learning in Art, Health, Physical and Work Education at Elementary Level) and 510 (Learning Social Science at Upper Primary Level or Learning Science at Upper Primary Level).
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