For the third NIOS public exam for Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) candidates can deposit the exam fees till October 25. The registration process had begun from October 1, 2018. The third NIOS D.El.Ed exam will be for three subject modules: Understanding Children in Inclusive Context (506), Community and Elementary Education (507) and Learning in Art, Health, Physical and Work Education at Elementary Level (508). The fourth edition of the D.El.Ed will be held in February 2019 for two subject modules: Learning Social Science at Upper Primary Level (509) and Learning Science at Upper Primary Level (510).
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The exam for untrained teachers after the parliament passed an amendment in RTE act 2009 to help them qualify to teach in elementary schools. It was launched on October 3, 2017 and as per the amendment all the un-trained in-service elementary teachers have to complete the D.El.Ed. programme by March 2019.
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The 2nd NIOS D.El.Ed exam was held in September for 501, 502, 503, 504 and 505 modules.
In the first exam, close to 12 lakh candidates had appeared. The result of the first D.El.Ed. exam was released on September 1, 2018; the exam was conducted in May-June.
In another development, NIOS has released an official notification warning candidates of fake websites, agents and agencies which are providing misleading information. The Institute informed all its NIOS D.El.Ed learners that the updates and information is available only on its official websites -- www.nios.ac.in and www.dled.nios.ac.in. NIOS D.El.Ed: National Institute of Open Schooling Warns Learners Of Fake Websites, Agents
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