NIOS D.El.Ed untrained teachers registration process for second examination has started on the official website. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) had already started the Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) programme second year admission fee submission last month. D.El.Ed. learners who could not register in the first examination of D.El.Ed, held on May 31 (501), June 1 (502) and June 2, 2018 (503), can now apply for the examination for subject code 501, 502 and 503 along with registration fee for second examination i.e. 504 and 505 to be held in the month of September, 2018.
D.El.Ed. learners who have already registered/appeared for the subjects on May 31 (501), June 1 (502) and June 2, 2018 (503), may only apply and appear in the examination for the subjects code 504 and 505. A fee of Rs.500/- will have to be paid by each examinee to appear for 504 and 505.
D.El.Ed. learners who have already registered/appeared in the first examination and may be unsuccessful or absent in any of the subject in the examination, will be given opportunity to apply after the declaration of result of the first examination to again register for the subjects code 501, 502 and 503 for the examinations to be held in the month of September, 2018.
The schedule for registration for the second examination of D.El.Ed would be from July 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018.
NIOS D.El.Ed programme for untrained teachers is being conducted after the parliament passed an amendment in RTE act to help them qualify to teach in elementary schools.
According to NIOS data, 12,62,044 learners have been enrolled for the D.El.Ed programme last year.
Now in its second year, NIOS has also opened a payment window to register for this year's admission and the window will be open till July 7, 2018.
The second examination of D.El.Ed for in-service untrained teachers would be conducted during September 2018.
A ten days time for submission of examination fee would be provided to such untrained teachers after declaration of result of the First Examination.
According to NIOS, total fee for second year is 6000/- per teacher and the NIOS D.El.Ed fee payment should be done through the official website, www.dled.nios.ac.in.
Over 12 lakh untrained teachers across the country had recently took the first year examination of the two year diploma course in elementary education conducted by the NIOS, which is a body working under Human Resource Development ministry of central government.
According to NIOS, if the Payment is debited from the account and Status has not changed from Payment Not Made to Payment Completed, the candidates should not make another payment but wait for 1 Hour, the payment will be updated and they may check the status by providing the enrolment number.
The NIOS, formerly known as the National Open School, was established in 1989 as an autonomous organisation by Union Human Resource Development ministry.
The D.El.Ed programme is a specifically designed package for in-service untrained teachers working in primary or upper primary schools of different states of the country.
Under the Right to Education Act, it has become mandatory for every teachers to gain professional capability and around 14 lakh untrained teachers across the country would have to clear the D.El.Ed programme by March 2019, failing which they might lose their jobs.
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