NIOS will conduct third D.El.Ed public exam in December 2018. The 2nd D.El.Ed exam concluded today (September 29); the exam had begun on September 25. Registration for the NIOS 3rd D.El.Ed exam will begin today (October 1). Interested can apply for the exam by depositing application fee of Rs 1000. The last date to register is October 15.In the first exam, close to 12 lakh candidates had appeared. The result of the first D.El.Ed. exam was released on September 1, 2018; the exam was conducted in May-June.
In December the exam will be held for 506 and 507 modules. The exam for 508, 509/ 510 modules will be held on February- March 2019.
NIOS D.El.Ed December Exam 2018: Subject Details
- Understanding Children in Inclusive Context (506)
- Community and Elementary Education (507)
- Learning in Art, Health, Physical and Work Education at Elementary Level (508)
- Learning Social Science at Upper Primary Level (509)
- Learning Science at Upper Primary Level (510)
As of now, NIOS has not declared the exact date of the exam.
NIOS D.El.Ed programme for untrained teachers is being conducted after the parliament passed an amendment in RTE act to help them qualify to teach in elementary schools. NIOS is a body working under Human Resource Development ministry of central government. In December, the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) will conduct the third edition of the exam for untrained in-service teachers.