The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has released the hall tickets for class 10, 12 board exams which will begin on April 2. The practical exams will begin on March 16. For overseas candidates, the exam will also begin on April 2. The practical exams for such candidates will be held from April 21 to April 30. Hall tickets for the board exams are available online. Candidates can download them using their enrollment number. "Dear learner, your hall ticket will be downloaded only if you have paid exam fee for April 2019 public examination and if your photograph is available with NIOS," said the institute.
"In case your hall ticket is not generated due to missing photo, kindly contact your Regional Centre immediately," it added.
Regarding the practical exams it has notified that, "since practical examinations are being conducted in small batches, students / candidate are advised to contact the Centre Superintendent/ Coordinator of the Accredited Institutes well in advance of the commencement of the practical exam to know specified dates as well as batch allotted to them."
NIOS is likely to declare the class 10, 12 board exam results within 6 weeks after the last date of the exam.
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