The National Medical Commission (NMC) has released a notification issuing a show cause notice to medical colleges who have not submitted details about the stipend paid to interns/residents. Warning the medical institutions, NMC questioned that why a penal action should not be taken against them. NMC has released a list of government and private colleges that have not declared the details about the stipend.
The official notification by NMC reads, "It is observed that the requisite data is still to be furnished by many colleges on the E-mail IDs provided as above. The failure of these medical colleges in submitting the information reg. payment of stipend to the interns / residents is considered seriously, and the medical colleges as per the attached list who have not submitted the requisite information, are hereby directed to show cause as to why penal action should not be taken against them for their failure to submit the information / details of stipend paid."
The defaulting medical colleges are directed to furnish the data relating payment of stipend during 2023-24 on the dedicated e-mail ID stipend23-CDN-20011/98/2024-COORDINATION-NMC I/3726027/2024 24@nmc.org.in
The notification also mentioned that the Supreme Court of India had directed NMC to submit the details of stipends paid to the medical interns and residents. Accordingly, all the health institutions/medical colleges were directed, vide Public Notice dated 16-04-2024, to submit to NMC, the details of stipend paid to their UG interns, PG residents and Senior residents or PGs in Super Specialty for the financial year 2023-24.
The NMC notification added, "It was further, directed to upload the details for financial year 2024-25 onwards on the website of the medical college/ medical Institutions concerned and also required to be updated on monthly basis (by 5th of every month) as per the Annexure-2 and at the end of the financial year, the complete statement be submitted to NMC on E-mail ID: stipend24-25@nmc.org.in"