This Article is From Jun 10, 2019

NTA ICAR Admit Card 2019 Delayed, Image Correction Date Extended

NTA ICAR AIEEA admit card 2019: NTA ICAR admit card, which was expected to be released on June 5, will be released on the official website,

NTA ICAR Admit Card 2019 Delayed, Image Correction Date Extended
NTA ICAR admit card will be released on June 17 @

NTA ICAR admit card 2019: The National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the admit card for ICAR AIEEA on July 17. The NTA ICAR admit card, which was expected to be released on June 5, will be released on the official website, NTA also said in a statement that it has decided to extend the date for image, thump impression and signature corrections after it received representations. These corrections in ICAR AIEEA application can now be conducted till June 14, said the official statement from NTA.

In 2019, All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA) will be conducted for admission to Bachelor Degree and Post Graduate degree programmes in Agriculture and allied sciences by NTA, an independent, autonomous and self-sustained testing organization formed recently by central education ministry. 

The NTA had given opportunity to the candidates of above examination to review their incorrect photograph, thumb impression and signature upto June 06, 2019 upto 5:00 PM. 

"However, a large number of candidates have still not uploaded the revised images. Many representations are being received by the NTA to extend the date for above corrections. In view of the above, such candidates are being given a last opportunity to do the same by 14-06-2019 (5:00 pm) failing which their Admit Cards will be withheld," said the notification. 

"Accordingly, all the candidates are hereby informed that the Admit Card of ICAR AIEEA (UG), ICAR-AIEEA (PG) & ICAR-AICE-JRF/SRF (PGS) will now be available for download on 17-06-2019 (Monday) for the abovesaid examinations scheduled to be held on 01-07-2019," it added. 

For more updated or latest news keep visiting the website of NTA ICAR:

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