Odisha +2 Result 2019: Odisha +2 result for Arts and Commerce streams will be released today. With the announcement of the +2 Arts, Commerce result today, Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) would finally wrap up the +2 result declaration for this year. CHSE declares Science stream result and Arts and Commerce stream result separately. The Council had released +2 Science stream result on June 3 and 72.33 per cent students passed this year.
CHSE will announce +2 result in a press conference after 3:00 pm. The result will then be released on the official website, chseodisha.nic.in and orissaresults.nic.in.
"It is notified for information of all concerned that the Annual Higher Secondary Examination, 2019 results in Arts, Commerce and Vocational streams will be published on dt. 21.06.2019 at 3.30 P.M. in the Geeta Govinda Auditorium of Soochana Bhawan," the official press release from CHSE said.
In 2018, Odisha +2 result for Arts and Commerce stream was released on June 9, within 72 days of concluding the exam. The overall pass percentage in Arts was 68.79% and it was 74.91% in Commerce.
With result declaration over, the admission to degree courses at colleges in Odisha will begin on June 24, 2019. Students who have qualified in +2 exam can apply through the common application form through the official website for Student Academic Management System (SAMS), samsodisha.gov.in. 1,033 colleges will participate in degree admission process in Odisha.
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