Odisha +2 Result 2019: Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Odisha is expected to announce 12th board result for Arts and Commerce stream students next week. The result date is yet to be confirmed. At the time of class 12 Science stream result declaration, speculations were that the Arts and Commerce stream results would be released within a week, however, there has been no confirmation from the Council yet on the Arts and Commerce result.
Odisha +2 result for Arts and Commerce streams will be released on the Council's official website, chseodisha.nic.in and on the official results portal for examinations conducted in Odisha, orissaresults.nic.in.
CHSE, Odisha announced +2 result for Science stream on June 3, 2019. In Science stream, this year, approximately 99,000 students appeared and 70,706 students passed. The overall pass percentage was 72.33 per cent. Pass per cent for boys was 70.4 per cent and for girls, it was 75.02 per cent.
20,806 students secured first division in +2 Science stream, 23,904 students secured second division and 25,360 students secured third division.
Balasore emerged as the best performing district with 86.56 pass per cent and Gajapati was the worst performing district with 36.20 pass per cent.
60 students scored above 90 per cent marks. 29 colleges recorded 100 per cent result while 9 recorded zero result.
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