Odisha +2 Result 2019: Odisha +2 result for arts and commerce streams will be announced today by the Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Odisha. The Odisha 12th result will be announced in a press conference and then released on the website. The press conference will be held at 3:30 pm at the Geeta Govinda Auditorium of Soochana Bhawan in Bhubaneswar. Students who are awaiting their result can check important details about Odisha +2 result here.
Odisha +2 Result 2019: Where To Check?
Students awaiting their result will be able to check Odisha +2 result on the CHSE official website, chseodisha.nic.in, and the official results portal for the examinations conducted in Odisha, orissaresults.nic.in.
The Odisha +2 result will also be available on some private result hosting websites such as Indiaresults.com, and examresult.net. While students can check their result on these websites, it is prudent to check and download provisional marks sheet from the official website.
Odisha +2 Result 2019: How To Check?
After Odisha +2 result is declared, students can check their result by following the steps given below:
Step one: Go to any of the websites mentioned above.
Step two: Click on the result link. Be sure to click on the +2 result link for Arts/Commerce stream.
Step three: Enter the required details.
Step four: Submit and view your result.